Dragon Ball Z Legacy Of Goku 2 How To Level Up Fast
Mar 27, 2012 Welcome to the Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II wiki guide. Greetings, Dragonballers. Are you having trouble finding that last Golden Capule or Missing Namek?
True to the DBZ series, created by Akira Toriyama, the Legacy of Goku II follows events from the Trunks Saga until the completion of the Cell Games. After the death of Gohan, assassinated by Androids 17 & 18, Trunks has no other choice but to go back in time, 16 years ago, to change the course of history. You will begin to assume the role of young Gohan before taking control of Piccolo, Trunks, Vegeta and Goku himself. Epic fights await you against tough opponents such as Dr. Gero, Androids 17, 18, 19 and of course Cell.
Released in 2003 on the Game Boy Advance (Nintendo), this fighting RPG game features 20+ hours of gameplay and can be played here online.
Game Controls:
Enter: Start
Bkspace: Select
Arrows: Move
Z: Button A
X: Button B
A: Button L
S: Button R
See also:
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku 1
Dragon Ball Z: Buu's Fury
Nothing in the anime is good enough evidence to deduce areasonable conclusion without any plotholes. I would say timesfaster than sound but way under the speed of light.
Obviously not near light speed because of the Theory ofrelativity, but excluding that, he doesn't show anything close tolight speed. Jutst because he turns up a level in SS doesn't meanhe's faster. Go by what he has shown in the manga or show not maththat has nothing to back it up.
Nothing excluding...
- Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku - Walkthrough. But it's helpful in case you're trying to go through the game as fast as possible. 12 The level Goku is currently at. Know how to level up.
- Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II: Future Shock Cheats. (For an easy way to get him to level 50 read my other cheat titled 'How to get Hercule to level 50 fast') Go to Hercule city and look.
By physics he cannot although this is discredited by the featsof speed his able to perform. Exhibited in 'Broly The Legendary'Instant transmission does not work as the move implies, it in-factis literal movement over a period of time. In this movie Goku usedthis moves to another region of the galaxy and there is a travelsection. Also in the series, Gotanks a character of who is muchslower then Goku travels the distance around the world (24,859.82miles) many times within 4 sec and light is able to travel aroundthe planet about 9 times per second. If Gotanks a much lessercharacter is able to travel the planet 1/9 light speed, before thediscovery of SS4 in DBGT Goku is highly likely to be able to travelfaster than the illogical speed of light
Dragon Ball Z Legacy Of Goku 2 How To Level Up Fast Pass
Goku lacks the any feats to support the fact that he can moveFaster than light. Instant Transmission is exactly waht it soundslike. Instant movement. The manga is the original source, so itdefines what Goku does and what feats he has exhibited. The moviesare not canon to the story, and therefore do not effect the realDBZ storyline. no Gotenks actually did not travel around the worldin 4 seconds. The feat is illogical. In the anime the Earth can beseen rotating at a faster than normal rate, which would imply timeis passing by faster. If time is relative to each person, assuggested by physics, then that would mean the Earth shouldn't haverotating at all. IT could also mean a large amount of time passedwhile Gotenks travelled around the world, but this isn't true,since the fusion only lasts 30 minutes. Goku lacks feats tosuggests he is FTL. Instant transmission is what it sound like,Instant movement.
Legacy Of Goku 2 Gamefaqs
(warning comment may not be as small as implied)
Ah, just a small comment , fusion times is entirely based onamount of power in use by said fused indivual. Time is relative yesand yes planet rotation may be taken into consideration but at thetime the anime was written I don't honestly physics were applied tothe logics. 'Instant Transmission' a moved named by a dull,righteous, member of a warrior race of whom took more than his fairshare of cracks to his head. Goku describes the move asinstantaneous but it may not be completely accurate. Remember tokeep an open mind and try to understand other points. Real physicsdo say this speed is completely imposable but is also says a normalman is not able to shoot energy beams, move at sonic speeds or liftlarge vehicles with ease (Krilin).
FTReply! =)
'Ah, just a small comment , fusion times is entirely based onamount of power in use by said fused indivual.'
Even though Piccolo clearly states it only lasts 30 minutes.Even if you throw out physics from the equation, you are left witha clear statement made in the manga which states the fusion onlylasts for 30 minutes. I agree, using physics in anime is liketrying to fit a whale in a bathtub. It just wont work. But, youcannot use physics selectively. Either you use physics to describefeats all the time, or do not use it at all and use evidence fromthe manga to support it.
I say do not apply physics in this. And Yes piccolo did state itlasts 30 min but also Goku was given exactly 1 day as a visit onearth. This was cut down by the over use of power. Later in theFusion Reborn limited fusion time is expressed that Gogeta only wasable to keep sustained for minutes. Again in GT part of the realseries 334 Goku only lasted a rough couple minutes. But this hasnothing to do with how fast Goku is.
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